6 pack abs

male 6 pack abs - Personal Trainer Rockingham

Good nutrition is absolutely vital for an overall good physique. Consuming calories from processed and fast foods is going to produce an unhealthy body lacking in nutrients, so if you make good food choices you will be well on the way to a leaner you. Exercise alone is great for using up those calories, but without watching your diet it will be a long, slow road to getting a six pack…For the abs to show you have to get rid of the fat that lies on top.

Cardiovascular conditioning, whether it is walking, cycling, running or taking an aerobic class or dance class will help burn calories and combined with a healthy, nutritious diet will help to lose the fat built up on top of the muscle.

The abdominal muscles consist of 3 layers. The deepest being the Transverse abdominis, which acts as the body’s girdle, providing support and stability and also plays an important role in exhalation. Next is the Rectus abdominis…this flexes the spine. Closest to the surface are the internal and external obliques which turn the trunk and provide the body with rotation and lateral movement. There are important reasons to train the mid section…these core muscles strengthen the torso, improve posture, decrease low back pain, and reduce the risk of injury.

Genetically women will find it far more difficult to acquire a six pack than men…and as you get older it is also more difficult as we get more subcutaneous body fat…but it is possible 🙂


Female sit up 6 pack - Personal Trainer Rockingham

Nice abs 🙂


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